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Chickpea Chaat Salad and Saffron Tomato Confit on Eggplant


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Meredith made a dinner of Cook Republic (LOCAL[@rev]) and Saffron Tomato Confit from What's Gabby Cooking (LOCAL[@rev]).

For the salad, I think Meredith followed the recipe pretty closely. It was a lot of chopping but was pretty good. We topped it with some Indian snack blend rather than peanuts. I think we could use the food processor (carefully) to do some of the chopping next time!

Also worth noting that all of the tomatoes, cucumber, and mint came from the garden.

Meredith also followed the recipe for the tomato confit but the temps were really too high. It all should have been set to low. We served it with marinated mozzarella balls to be kind of like bruschetta.

We served both on roasted eggplant which we've done before (I think 2012-01-21[@rev] was the first)