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Chorizo Burgers and Smacked Cucumbers


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This was inspired by one of the "Steed Food <place>" shows but I forget which. The idea was to mix Mexican chorizo with a burger. We prefer the soy chorizo so that is what I used. It was 1 lbs of 80/20 beef and a pack of Trader Joes Chorizo. I followed Smash Burgers [The Food Lab/Serious Eats][@rev] for cooking them (8 patties). It worked okay but they were large. And cooked a bit differently (plus, I had to handle the beef more than you're supposed to for burgers). We had them not-stacked but we did do open face. I did mine with an over-hard egg too!

They were pretty good but reminded me of some beef jerky I've made before. Probably the beef cooking a lot combined with the smoked paprika in the chorizo. They did brown a bit more but I expected that.

Meredith also made Smacked Cucumber in Garlicky Sauce [Every Grain of Rice][@rev] with home-grown cucumbers. Easy, delicious, and spicy!