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Home > posts > 2023 > 12 > 2023-12-23_Christmas_and_Cashew-Butterscotch_Biscotti.html
Christmas and Cashew-Butterscotch Biscotti
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Typical, default flavor of Best Biscotti By Far...[@rev]. I had more luck than usual slicing it even though I really don't think the first bake was done enough. I don't particularly like the green cherries but (a) we had it and (b) Caroline, who helped make everything, chose it.
Very tasty as usual. Big hit at Wes and Katy's Party!
We were going back and forth on what to do and came up with this. We used roasted and salted cashews (extra salt is always a great flavor) and then used about a cup (or so?) of butterscotch chips.
I liked this and the flavor grew on me with time, but it was not one of my favorites.
I did cook it a bit hotter (at least by setting. The oven sucks!) and longer on the first bake. They also cooled more since I was working on the other batch. They sliced nicely!