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Stuffed Mushroom Casserole (with Chicken)
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Stuffed Mushroom Casserole
Based on this recipe[@rev] with changes mostly from 2018-10-31[@rev] and 2018-11-13[@rev]
This recipe is mostly a guide
This recipe includes how to do chicken pieces but it also works well with other meats. See ground beef[@rev] and Quorn fake chicken[@rev]. If using ground beef, brown separately (or before sautéing and remove). If using something like Quorn, add towards the end to defrost and cook.
If using alternative meats, see note at the top
Prep Ahead: So as to prevent the breadcrumbs and fried onions from getting soggy, stop before adding the cheese or the breadcrumbs. Cook for a little bit longer to account for a colder casserole.
Stroganoff: As noted on the original recipe, add a spoonful of (light) sour cream before serving.