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Tuna Tataki
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Originally from 2013-02-08[@rev]. Added2014-01-07.
It is key to use high-quality fresh tuna
Tuna Tataki or Sashimi with Ginger-Soy-Lime Vinaigrette Recipe (from Wolfgang Puck)
Ginger-Soy-Lime Vinaigrette
Tuna Tataki or Sashimi
In a small bowl, stir together the shallot, ginger, a few grinds of pepper, soy sauce, and lime juice. Whisking continuously, slowly drizzle in the olive oil. Set aside. When ready to serve, whisk the dressing thoroughly to recombine the ingredients.
If preparing the tuna sashimi-style, do not season it or cut it in any way. If you plan to serve it tataki-style, on a shallow plate stir together the ginger, sesame seeds, and cracked black pepper. For the tataki, use a sharp knife to cut 1/2-inch-deep notches at regular intervals of 1/4 to 1/2 inch along the length of the tuna, to make it easier to slice after searing. Season the tuna with salt and roll it in the ginger mixture, pressing down lightly to make the coating adhere on all sides.
For the tataki preparation heat a saut pan over high heat. Add the peanut oil and, when it is hot, sear the tuna on all sides, 30 seconds to 1 minute per side, turning it with tongs. Remove the tuna from the pan and set aside. Add the lime juice to the pan and quickly stir and scrape to deglaze the pan deposits, then drizzle the deglazing liquid over the tuna.
For the sashimi preparation, simply cut the tuna crosswise into uniform slices about 1/4 to 1/3 inch thick.
In a bowl, toss the greens with just enough of the vinaigrette to coat them lightly
Original WP Post ID: 7079
Original WP Pub Date: 2014-01-07_100914