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Shrimp Quesadilla and Seasoned Zucchini Chips


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First, the chips. Yes, I am obsessed with thin slicing things and making chips out of them. But, these were incredible. I thin-sliced zucchini with the mandoline, then coated the baking sheet with spray. After placing them, I sprayed it again. I made two different types. The first were rosemary, salt pepper, garlic powder and Trader Joes 21 Seasoning Salute (like Mrs. Dash). They were okay. The second batch was jerk seasoning, pepper and sesame seeds. These were amazing. The jerk seasoning (McCormick) was a bit sweet for my taste but still good. And the sesame seeds added SO MUCH FLAVOR. They really toasted. I baked them at 450 for 10-20 minutes. I will have to try sesame on potato chips too!

For the quesadilla I grilled shrimp with some Emril Essence on the griddler. I also sautéed some pepper slices. I put them on a high fiber tortilla with provolone slices. I 4 slices but I could have gotten away with only 2 or 3. I also added some seasoning on top of the cheese. Then I put the whole thing on the griddler to melt and warm it. It was definitely good but a bit salty.


Zucchini...1 (for spray, seasonings, etc)


Cheese...5 (1/slice but rounding stops working)

Tortilla...1 (barely 1)

Shrimp (0.45 lb)...4

Note that shrimp is low in points but salty and high in cholesterol.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 318, 2010-09-01_202128