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Homemade Pizzas with Whole Wheat Crust


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We made pizza with the usual crust recipe[@rev] but with bread flour and the recipe cut in half. I also made sure to extra knead the crust. Despite the extra kneading, I had trouble stretching it. I ended up having to roll it out. Meredith was able to stretch hers. We each made a larger pizza with thicker crust. To make the thicker crust we did not roll it as much and let it rise a bit afer being formed.

We also made two smaller pizzas. Meredith rolled hers out flat so it was actually the same size but a really thin crust (and looks like Texas).

We also made our own sauce which ended up being really good but a bit spicy.

I will come back and update/correct the toppings/types later

My larger one was the tomato sauce, skim ricotta cheese, prosciutto (cut in pieces), sautéed chili serannos, and then FF cheddar and cut pieces of low fat colby jack. (top picture)

Meredith's larger one was: Tomato sauce, eggplant, turkey bacon bits, and FF cheddar cheese

My small one was BBQ sauce, thin slices (and partially cooked) of sweet potato, turkey bacon bits and again, a mixture of FF cheddar and pieces of Colby jack.(second from bottom picture)

Meredith's smaller (Texas) pizza was a no-sauce pizza with orange balsamic vinegar, spinach, slices of baby bell cheese and some other stuff I do not remember. Her's is the very bottom picture.

Rough points below photo.

As we figured out last time, the dough was about 5 for the large pizzas, 3 for each small one. Toppings varied, but in general, a slice of prosciutto is 1 (leaner than most), turkey bacon is really low at 1 point for 4 slices (we used two on each pizza with it). The sauce is zero but BBQ is one. So in general, it was not a low meal but not too bad.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 475, 2010-09-28_084715