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Home > posts > 2010 > 10 > 20101027_222456_beef-enchilada-casserole.html
Beef Enchilada Casserole
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The recipe basically came from Hungry Girl's "Chicken Enchilada Casserole" on page 66 of _Hungry Girl 1-2-3. _We used 8 oz extra lean ground beef instead. Also, instead of corn tortillas, we used one La Tortilla Factory tortilla with 13 grams on fiber. The use of 98% fat free cream of celery condensed soup was interesting. We used that but I think we could have also used the 98% FF cream of chicken instead. We also added our own seasonings and some peas and corn.
It was very good. A bit salty but good. We put too much cheese on top and because it is fat free, it hardened. We used a knife to cut it but after that is was good. It also made more than enough for two [large] dinners and two [medium/small] lunches.
She gets about 4 servings at 5/serving. I get lower largely due (I think) to using one flour tortilla with all that fibers (becomes free if split) over her six small corn tortillas.
Total points for 2 x 1/3 portions (dinner) and 2 x 1/6 (lunch):
Tortilla...0 (when split later)
cheese...3 (and could have been less in the future)
Misc veggies...1
=15. So dinner was ONLY five each. Lunch is 2.5
2013-12-05 Note: Added to "My Recipe Book"[@rev]
Original WP Post ID: 605
Original WP Pub Date: 2010-10-27_222456