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Home > posts > 2011 > 03 > 20110324_091339_1089.html
Vegetable Lasagna with Butternut Béchamel (homemade pasta). Plus potatoes.
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This is the same recipe as last time[@rev], but this time, we use spinach. Again, we didn't have swiss chard so we had to use something else. Spinach fit the bill.
The biggest difference was that I made the pasta myself. I followed the recipe at the bottom of this post[@rev] but we used 1/3 of the recipe. It was really good using my own pasta. It took a long time but it was nice and easier to use? It was also more flavorful and it cut nicely. That may also bebecausewe used low-fat cheese instead of fat free. It also came out nicer because we used the pan lid instead of aluminum foil.
We also had roasted potatoes.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1089, 2011-03-24_091339