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Roasted Broccoli and Grilled Shrimp


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We cooked the broccoli using a similar method to the curried cauliflower[@rev]. Basically, after tossing them with olive oil and seasonings (TJ 21 seasoning salute, onion+garlic powder, etc), I put them on a tray and covered it with aluminum foil I then roasted them for about 8 minuted. After that, I uncovered them and let them roast for another 10-15. I used 450 instead of 500. The broccoli was very good and certainly done enough. I wouldn't mind them more charred, dried out and crispy though. I am afraid to go as long as the cauliflower, but maybe that is what it needs. Or a higher temp, or both.

The shrimp was really just thrown together. After defrosting them, I marinaded them in lemon juice, lime juice and a bit of apple cider vinegar. I also sprinkled adobo seasonings and italian seasonings. I think they cooked a bit in the acid (a la ceviche) but I (obviously) still grilled (on the griddler) them. It may have been a bit too strong on the acids but they tasted pretty good.

The only real problem with this meal was we didn't really have enough food. More shrimp next time.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1608, 2011-12-06_104758