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Home > posts > 2012 > 05 > 20120515_214008_mediterranean-chicken-stew-with-cinnamon-quinoa.html
Mediterranean Chicken Stew with Cinnamon Quinoa
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This is based on the recipe below. I pressure cooked some chicken breasts and shredded it instead of using rotisserie (obviously, much less chicken). Also, since I pressure cooked it, I used the broth from that instead of chicken broth (well, this is more real chicken broth). I skipped the olive and the lemon juice. Instead of couscous, I used quinoa (and again, less of it). I cooked the quinoa with chicken broth (not from the pressure cooker). I used the orange juice in the quinoa but skipped the lemon in the chicken.
Overall, I liked the meal a lot but there wasn't really any new flavors. It kind of reminded me of most other tomato-like meals. Though, I let it cook to be pretty dry which was different. Again, like yesterday, it had chickpeas which I am getting kind of tired of it now. So, good, but nothing too special.
Mediterranean Chicken Stew with Cinnamon Couscous (from The Kitchn)
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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1968, 2012-05-15_214008