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Home > posts > 2012 > 12 > 20121222_221644_garlic-and-pepper-pasta-and-curry-roasted-cauliflower.html

Garlic and Pepper Pasta and Curry Roasted Cauliflower


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I made some strange type of pasta with garlic and peppers. I used a lot of garlic (with this tip), and I sautéd onions and poblano peppers. I added the pasta and a small can of chicken. It was okay. Despite a huge amount of garlic and even using oil with it, yet it was still not very garlicky I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

I also made the roasted cauliflower from here[@rev]. It was very good, but I think I let it go a bit too long. I had to not eat a bunch of the little bits, but that is not a big deal. I'll definitely do it again, but I'll cook it less.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2926, 2012-12-22_221644