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Tacos and Roasted Cabbage


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I made tacos and roasted cabbage[@rev]. I used red cabbage to mix it up this time though it didn't affect the flavor. It was good as usual though I think I am getting a bit sick of it. I should look for alternative cabbage recipes or just give it a break for a bit.

I also made taco meat with beef, onions, 1/2 a bell pepper and a bunch of spices (including taco powder). The meat was pretty standard and fine. The problem was I tried to put it in wraps that were too old and too big. It just didn't hold together well. I think I prefer when I make hard shells out of smaller tortillas and use them.

Oh, and I used a spinach-arugula mixture inside of it too.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3368, 2013-03-28_210737