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5-Ingredient Banana-Oat Bars


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I made Banana-Oat bars for a long bike ride the next day. I figured I usually have oatmeal with a banan for breakfast so I could just have half of this recipe for breakfast and take the rest for snacks on the ride.

It was based on the recipe below but there is a lot of freedom. I used a bit less than two cups of oats since it is what I had, and it was quick oats (smaller pieces) so they were more dense. I also used about 2 1/4 banana since they were small. I added some almonds (slices; toasted first), chopped dates and some cranberries. I also used a bit of Splenda. Finally, when I pressed it into the pan, I then sprinkled it with pumpkin-pie spice.

I like the bars a lot. It was certainty more interesting than just eating oatmeal and also a lot easier since I could eat while getting ready. I ate half for breakfast (1 cup of oatmeal) and then I had a quarter as a snack at one point on the ride. I liked the dates and the cranberries however I was disappointed with how lost the almond flavor was in there. I would have preferred to use the slivered kind but they didn't have them. I'll probably just skip them in the future so as to not have the calories with no flavor.

Banana-Oat Bars [4 Ingredient](from The Kitchn)

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