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Tuna Tataki
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This was a very, very special meal that had a lot of requirements. I needed to make something that was very fast and/or could be prepared earlier; I needed something Meredith loved; and I needed something that felt special. I ended up going with tuna tataki (link to earlier post[@rev]). I prepped the sauce earlier and we just did the tuna when we were ready. It came out okay. We were distracted and talking on the phone while making it and I forgot to coat the tuna with some of the sauce fist. Still, it was pretty good (even though the presentation kind of failed).
I also purchased a red-velvet cupcake; a fruit tart; and a salted carmel tart for dessert. We just ate the cupcake and saved the others
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 5778, 2013-05-02_093001