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Falafel and Roasted Turnips
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I made the basic falafel[@rev] but did two things differently. The first is that I made it two days earlier and only cooked it tonight. Some recipes call for letting the matter sit for a while but I do not think it really made a difference. The other thing I did was cook it on Reynold's Non-Stick foil instead of a silpat. It is hard to say for sure what difference it made, but I do think the silpat have a nicer crust. It wasn't a big deal either way.
I also roasted some turnips. I am trying to see if I think they can stand in for potatoes in some dishes. So far, I think they would work though they have a slightly different flavor and they are more work since you have to peel them.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 5878, 2013-05-22_102928