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Balsamic Broccoli Stir-Fry


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I made a balsamic broccoli stir-fry for a lunch side. I steamed some broccoli and then made a stir-fry sauce. It started with about a Tbsp of low sodium soy and maybe a tablespoon or two of balsamic. Then I added a bunch of garlic power and rosemary. Finally, a big scoop of corn starch. I do not know if it was the cornstarch or the heat of the pan, but I put it down and it sizzled then became solid. So, I made another batch but lighter on the corn starch and a cooler pan to start. I added the lightly steamed broccoli and tossed it a bunch when it was boiling. I then moved it to the container.

The sauce was acceptable but not as good as I wanted. I need to lookup difference recipes to see if something similar has been done and then modify them from there.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6147, 2013-05-28_205325