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Balsamic Broccoli and Seitan
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I made my [roughly] regular Balsamic Broccoli recipe (most recently perfected here[@rev]). I basically followed that recipe more or less for the balsamic sauce (minor changes, including the whole bottle of dressing and hot banana peppers). I had to microwave steam the broccoli since there was so much!
The real star was the seitan. It was again based on when I did the same thing[@rev] except I made it more chickeny. I actually doubled the dough and 1.5 times the sauce (since you don't need an exact double). I did it a bit differently. I used 1 tbsp of liquid aminos for the_double_ and I added 1.5 tbsp of chardonnay. I also included the Osem but_not_ the worcestershire
I made the sauce out of 3 cups water, 2 Tbsp Osem, 1/4 cup wine and 1 Tbsp liquid aminos. I pressure cooked it for 30 minutes. The dough balls really grew and kind of stuck together making them have a strange shape. However, the texture was pretty good. Not totally evenly cooked. Some areas were more dense than others but overall, it was still really good.
I feel like I am really dialing in on a seitan recipe.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6635, 2013-09-17_204307