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Home > posts > 2013 > 10 > 20131015_172417_gimme-lean-breakfast-cupcakes.html
Gimme Lean Breakfast Cupcakes
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This was roughly a repeat of breakfast cupcakes[1[@rev], 2[@rev]] I made with my dad. I followed the normal cupcake procedures[@rev]. I cooked up 3/4 of a gimme lean and then added onion (added it a bit late but I actually liked how it came out). I then added that to scrambled eggs (5...and they were real). I added a bit of salt and pepper and then added it to the par-cooked shells. Again, the filling was a bit chunky making it hard to really control the amount. But, I used a bit of cheese to help the top layer stick better. And I did the top layer with less filling.
They were really good and flavorful. Using real egg really made a difference. I think in the future, I will try to do something like half real eggs and half egg beaters to get some of the flavor without the fat.
Original WP Post ID: 6766
Original WP Pub Date: 2013-10-15_172417