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Salsa Pasta with Poached Eggs
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I threw this together with what I had and what Meredith brought with her. I made about 3 servings of pasta. While it was going, I sautéd an onion and a red pepper. I then added two small cans of chicken. I added the pasta, some of the pasta water, a bit of salsa and finally some 4-cheese blend.
I also poached eggs using the technique where you strain the very wet part out of the eggs. I guess these were fresh enough that there was very little of the wet part. I did cheat a bit and I used some vinegar in the water. I overcooked them a bit but there was still some runniness to it.
For a thrown together meal, this wasn't bad! (Next time, I'll skip the chicken. You barely tasted it and there was enough protein from the eggs)
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6826, 2013-10-25_235641