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Broccoli Fritters (Two different ways)


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I had about 2.5 lbs of broccoli I was going to use for something else but I didn't have the time. So, I decided to make broccoli fritters. But, since I had so much broccoli, I decided to experiment. The idea was to make half using a method similar to the cauliflower fritters[@rev]. I actually found a Smitten Kitchen Post(they also did the cauliflower ones) and I used that for inspiration.

The other idea was to finely chop broccoli and make it in the food processor. This idea was more a la falafel. I went as far as to also add half an onion for extra flavor.

Anyway, my recipe and procedures are below. I really had to bake them for a long time. It took 40 minutes on the one side for them to get brown and then 12 on the other. I wonder if the silpat made them brown less. Next time, I'll go back to non-stick aluminum foil or parchment.

The mashed version was better. The flavors were more what I liked which is probably from the broccoli being more cooked. And, maybe the onion was a bit too overpowering in the food-processor one. In both photos, the ones on the left are food processor and the ones on the right are mashed.


Broccoli Fritters 1 (Food Processor)

Combine in food processor

Pulse to chop and combine. You may need to use a spatula to help mix.

Form into patties on pammed tray with something to prevent sticking (silpat, non-stick aluminum foil, parchment). Pam other side of patties.

Bake at 425 for 35-45 minutes or until bottom is browned. Flip to cook other side (about 10-15 min)

Broccoli Fritters 2 (Mashed)

Chop broccoli and steam until tender (about 5-8 minutes). Drain and let cool slightly and mash with a potato masher.

Add the rest of the ingredients and combine. Adjust flour to desired consistency.

Form into patties on pammed tray with something to prevent sticking (silpat, non-stick aluminum foil, parchment). Pam other side of patties.

Bake at 425 for 35-45 minutes or until bottom is browned. Flip to cook other side (about 10-15 min)

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6862, 2013-11-06_221958