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Home > posts > 2013 > 11 > 20131110_170123_brussel-sprout-hash-pizza-plus-sides.html
Brussel Sprout Hash Pizza plus sides
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We weren't sure what to make but we wanted to use up some extra stuff and we were at Trader Joes. We decided to buy potato skins and make a pizza to split.
The pizza is 8 oz of the Trader Joes Garlic and Herb crust. We made a brussel sprout hash with half a package (also from Trader Joes but we already had it) of shredded sprouts and some turkey bacon. We then added some white-wine garlic sauce from TJ's. We also spread the sauce on the pizza before we topped with the had. We finally topped it all with grated parm cheese. So overall, we each only had 4 oz of dough.
The pizza was pretty good. The crust added a lot to it but I don't think I like it independently of a pizza that can actually work with the strong flavors of it.
2013-11-22 Update:
I forgot to add that we also made the pure chocolate mousse as we had tried before[@rev]. We followed the same basic idea but I think we stopped too soon. It was more like pudding than mousse. Oh well. It was still rich and decadent. I would do it again.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6877, 2013-11-10_170123