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Lentil Taco Stew


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I made a lentil version of my normal taco stew[@rev]. I did the normal recipe without the meat and Iseparate simmered 3/4 cup lentils in 1-1/2 cups water for about 10-15 minutes until it was mostly cooked. iI then added the lentils to the stew base.

I also added a big squeeze sriracha and a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar for some tang.

I really liked it with the lentils. I actually think I tend to like most ground beef things with the lentils. I guess I did miss the beef a bit but the lentils also had a bunch of flavor unto itself.

Oh, I also added a potato since I had them.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6937, 2013-11-21_203622