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Roasted Broccoli and Seitan Chorizo


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I made roasted broccoli and seitan chorizo[@rev] for lunch. I just laid out the broccoli and roasted at 425 (or so) for about 30 minutes. The chorizo was the normal recipe cut in half. I do not know why but I needed to add some more water to get it to all come together. I tried not breaking it into pieces and just chopping as I went. Honestly, it was much easier this way but I didn't like the outcome as much, There were too many kind of burnt crumbs and the rest just wasn't as good. I may try to do a bit of both next time since this was easier; especially with a smaller pan.

Anyway, the lunch was good. Lots of food from the broccoli but few calories.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7224, 2014-02-06_110829