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Baked Breakfast Garden Rolls
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I was still bummed about yesterday's issues[@rev] and I had a bit of extra time this morning so I made breakfast garden rolls. The filling was just 2 scrambled eggs and about 1/3 of a Gimme Lean sausage, cut and sautéd. And, when I was assembling, I added a small amount of part-skim mozzarella. (plus some salt and pepper)
I made two with the 22 cm wrappers but I had a lot of extra filling so I made a larger one with the 33 cm wrappers that could hold it all. It was a bit hard wrapping with warm, wet ingredients but it ended up fine. Just a bit loose.
I put them on a baking sheet with non-stick aluminum foil and sprayed them with pam. I baked them at 425 for 15 minutes.
They came out pretty good. Fairly crispy and harder. The cheese was melted (the main reason for baking them) and they held together very well. Clearly, this would have been preferable the day before.
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7530, 2014-02-27_071846