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Seitan and Broccoli stir-fry
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I made seitan and then a broccoli and seitan stir-fry.
I didn't take a photo of it but I used the seitan from below to make a broccoli stir fry. I just steamed broccoli, then added the seitan. I then added some teriyaki (not the high-cal one) and some other seasonings.
I read a few different articles online about pressure cooking seitan. Many said that seitan gets spongy from being cooked over a normal simmer temp (which is way lower than a pressure cooker). And to counter this, add some other flour.
So, I played around a bit and came up with the following recipe. Note that the extra 1/4 cups of water was too much. The dough was very wet but this did work very well so I wouldn't make too many changes. Next time, I also want to weigh the things for future reference since I hate going by volume. But anyway,
Broth (for pressure cooker)
I mixed the dry ingredients together and then separately mixed the wet. I added the wet ingredients (which was minus the extra 1/4 cup water). I then added the extra 1/4 cup since it was too dry. After mixing it all, I ran it in the food processor for 30 seconds and then kneaded it by hand too.
I let it rest for a little bit while I made the broth and started that. I then cut the dough into four equal pieces. I tried something different and rolled half of them in cheese cloth to make them nicely shaped. As you can see from the photo, it worked
I added them to the pressure cooker and cooked for 30 minutes (at_full_pressure) and a natural release.
This was probably the best seitan I have made in a while. I would work off of this recipe in the future
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7767, 2014-04-22_200522