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Allevatori Uova (Italian Huevos Rancheros)


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This was an interesting idea. We made what is basically my Huevos MotuleƱos[@rev] but Italian style. (Actually, we more closely made Italian Huevos Rancheros or "Ranchers' Eggs")

Anyway, we had leftover[@rev] cannellini beans[@rev] but didn't want to use them on something Mexican given their strong rosemary flavor. Instead we decided to do it Italian style. We used Classico Spicy Red Pepper Sauce instead of salsa/chili and also topped it with cheddar (not very Italian but it's what we had).

It was actually pretty good. Crisp tortillas and interesting flavors. I really wish I could get it as cleanly out of the pan as the first time but that has yet to every happen again!

2015-10-27 Update:

Made into a Recipe Book Post[@rev]