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Home > posts > 2016 > 10 > 2016-10-02_CornedBeefHash.html
Corned Beef Yuca Hash with Green Chile
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This was a really cool meal! I made corned beef hash[@rev] but I made a few major changes:
Those were really the main changes but I also went heavy on the ketchup and Sriracha (using about 1.5x and using half and half). I followed the recipe's instructions including pressing it down to get the nice crispy pieces (which really worked). I used 2 x 1/4 in. cuts of deli corned beef.
This came out really good. A bit spicy from all of the pepper and the yuca was kind of hidden by the rest of the stuff. But I really liked it!
I should make corned beef hash more often since this was pretty good! And really not too much work