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Home > posts > 2017 > 01 > 2017-01-21_21_SalsaChicken.html
Salsa Chicken with Shishitos
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I had originally made three salsa chicken breasts to prep ahead but we decided to eat them tonight. I pounded out the chicken breasts and then topped them with salt, pepper, and Pace Salsa (Whole30 Compliant). I baked it at 375°F for 25-30 minutes until it was done. (actually, I went a bit too long).
I also made Shishito pepper using my recipe[@rev]. I used some extra ranch dressing from the Cobb Salad we made (but didn't really write up, recipe here[@rev]. Same as used for the Buffalo Chicken Casserole[@rev].
All in all, it was a very simple. but pretty good meal. And very easy too!
We used the leftover chicken and sliced it up to be chicken on a salad. We made a dressing by mixing Pace Salsa with the Cilantro Sauce[@rev]. It worked surprisingly well as a salad dressing.