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Home > posts > 2017 > 01 > 2017-01-28_2_Steak.html
Sous Vide Sirloin with Chimichurri
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We made steak with chimichurri. The chimichurri was from The Kitchn (LOCAL[@rev] 1). Meredith prepped it ahead following the same closely except using lemon instead of lime since we didn't have it.
I made the steak with the sous-vide using the same temp as 2016-07-01[@rev], that is 136°F for about an hour to an hour and half. This time, I salted it before since we missed it last time. I then seared it on the cast iron with ghee and a bit more salt.
Finally, we roasted some brussel sprouts at 400°F for 30 min or so with some fox point.
I liked the chimichurri a lot and I think it worked really well on steak. But I also think the steak was a bit tough. It could have been cooked at a bit lower and/or less time on the sear. It was still good, but could be better. It was also not the highest quality level of steak, so that may help in the future.
U: guest
, P: name of my Boston Terrier, all lower case ↩