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Sous Vide Brisket, Corn Bread, and Broccolini
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I made sous vide brisket[@rev]. I started it last week and did it for about 100 hours1. At point, I put it in an ice bath to cool and then cooked it in the oven for about 2 hours the next day. We ate some of it (not pictured) but then had it again for dinner and made two more lunches. I used about 1/2 of a tsp of liquid smoke per bag (3 bags total). I think it make it extra smokey (in a good way) but also gave it a bit of a dog-food smell. Past the smell, the flavor was all there!
As I noted in the footnote, I went too long, but I think it was fine. This meat was really flavorful (from Kellers), it was also a lot fattier. I am not sure if that is why it was so flavorful or if it was just better meat, or if the extra liquid smoked helped.
(Update: 2017-06-12: Some of the other pieces that were in a different bag had an overpowering liquid smoke smell that gave it a bit of a dog-food smell. It still tasted good, but the smell was a bit off-putting. Next time, I will be more careful about the amount of liquid smoke. Certainly more than the recipe directly calls for but not much more than that)
Meredith helped make the same as last time[@rev]. She followed that same recipe[@rev] again using cheddar cheese and jalapeƱos but this time doubling the salt and adding maldon salt on top
Meredith also made Broccolini with tahini sauce[@rev].
Oops! If you read the recipe, it says up to 72 hours. Oh well, it seemed to work ↩