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Romesco Eggs Benedict and Roasted Potatoes


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Meredith and I made Romesco Eggs Benedict for friends we were having over for brunch.

I made the same Hollandaise[@rev] but added a big dollup of romesco sauce[@rev] at the end. I also did with with about 3/5x times the eggs (basically, adjusted to 5 eggs).

Meredith poached the eggs (and also made the romesco) and I did the hollandaise. We also again did it with Boars Head Tavern Ham instead of thickly sliced canadian bacon.

I also made roasted potatoes[@rev] from the canned poatoes. I did it with butter, garlic powder, and some salt. I started it at the 375°F but bumped it up to 450°F to crisp it up more (and faster).

It all came out reall good, except too much sauce. I liked these modification though. I wonder what else we coud try with the hollansaise.