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Chanukah Happy Hour
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We had a Chanukah Happy Hour with some friends, including my Dad (it was his last night in ABQ). We went low key and only made a few things. My dad took care of the latkes and Meredith and I made sufganiyot (Jelly donuts).
My dad made the latkes with his baked latke recipe[@rev] in two batches. The first one, he replaced the butternut squash with zucchini (a la zucchini fritters[@rev]) though the didn't drain it well. The second batch was normal except, because it had to sit while waiting for the others, a lot of water drained out. It still tasted great but he had to trim the parts off!
Meredith found this sufganiyot recipe (LOCAL[@rev]) so we went with that. This was actually my first time deep frying anything and I think it went well. I heated the oil in the enameled dutch oven (which is good since it hold the heat). Getting the temp was a bit hard since my Instant Read thermometer only goes to 300° and the candy/fry one didn't sit well. I kind of guessed and it worked out well.
Meredith had halved the biscuits so they were a reasonable size (and they grew!). After they were done and had sat on paper towel, Meredith tossed them in a bag with granulated sugar. We used the piping gun to fill a few but then decided to let people spread whatever they wanted on them.
They were really good! I think I should get a thermometer gun though if I am going to fry things again!