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Home > posts > 2019 > 12 > 2019-12-12_Stuffed_Mushroom_Casserole_with_Quorn.html
Stuffed Mushroom Casserole with Quorn
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I made Stuffed Mushroom Casserole[@rev] using Quorn instead of real meat. I prepped it last night. Just the onions and mushrooms. I used pre-sliced mushrooms which made it so much easier but also meant I had to cook it sooner.
I basically 1.5x everything!
To make it, I added the cheeses (using Romano instead of Parmesan left from the meatloaf[@rev]) and then made the bread crumbs sans crushed red pepper (for Caroline).
It needed lots of extra time. Initially baked for about 20 min but it wasn't enough (though a good temperature for Caroline). I put it back in at 400°F for about 30 minutes, then covered it and left at 325°F for another 30 or so!
Also, some of the fried onions were regular ones and others were garlic-pepper flavored.