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20111104-124009.jpgWe used the recipe on my page from 2011-10-28[@rev]with the changes noted on the page (and in parentheses/italics on the recipe itself). We used petite diced tomatoes instead of regular. I do not know if it was due to that or anything else but the beef mixture was very watery. We let it cook down a lot but knowing it still had 1 hour left, hunger got the best of us. So, it was very, very watery today. Also, I think we need to increase the amount ofbchamelbut just a little to better cover the top. Again, we used graffitti eggplant and we broiled it for longer to really brown them.

As always, wethoroughlyenjoyed this! And, again, it is ~38 PointsPlus for the entire thing which makes 5-8 (or more) servings. Not an easy or quick meal, butdefinitelya favorite. I am still curious how it would work with veggie crumbles.

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Original WP Post ID: 1512

Original WP Pub Date: 2011-11-03_124020