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Home > posts > 2012 > 04 > 20120414_091120_quinoa-patties-and-purple-potatas-bravas.html
Quinoa Patties and Purple Potatas Bravas
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We made quinoa from the recipe below. Meredith put it together so she may have more comments, but we basically followed the base of the recipe though we needed a bit more egg. We also used gouda instead of theparmesan. We also used regular flour. Instead of frying it, we baked it like thezucchinifritters. We baked them at 440°F for 15 minutes, then flipped them and baked for another 10. I was prepared to have to really scrape but in the end, they came off nicely. They were really good. I really liked the thin parts that were extra crispy. The flavor was subtle which contrasted with the patatas bravas and its heat. It didn't help that my head/nose was stuffed so the flavors were even harder to discern.
The patatas bravas we more or less based on the standard[@rev] except I also added some leftover canned sauce. I used a lot of cayenne and all of the called for paprika was hot paprika plus, I added some smoked hot. I also forgot the garlic and vinegar but I added a lot of onion and garlic powder. The sauce was good, but it was rather spicy. Again, being a bit stuffed up, made this strong flavoreclipsethe quinoa.
Vegetable Parmesan Quinoa Patties (from Eat Well Meal Plans)
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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1903, 2012-04-14_091120