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Taco Cupcakes and Wonton Soup


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20130115-083140.jpg I made taco cupcakes following the idea I used many times, but with the instructions here[@rev]. I made 2/3 lbs of beef (2 servings), with half ajuliennezucchini, 1/4 cup of corn and 1/2 cup of beans. Ioverfilledthe bottom layer not leaving enough for the entire top row (those aren't pictured). It also made it not seal very well (and I went light on the cheese). I'll be more careful next time. I also put a lot of garlic powder, 21 seasoning salute and a tiny bit of Dave's Insanity into the beef (into the water mix that goes into it). It was pretty spicy, but very good.

I also had wonton soup but it was just a frozen thing from Trader Joes

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3075, 2013-01-14_083143