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Home > posts > 2013 > 02 > 20130206_203847_zucchini-fritters-and-reubenish-sandwich.html
Zucchini Fritters and Reuben(ish) Sandwich
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First, I madezucchini fritters[@rev]. I added the normal extra stuff, plus some chili powder and curry powder to mix it up. They came out pretty flavorless today. Maybe I need more salt and/or seasonings. I did use the Reynolds Wrap Non-Stick and I am a convert. No pam needed and they came up easily, which has never happened before. I think next time, I will cook them for longer at a lower temp to get the insides a bitmore done. They always seem to be somewhat mushy inside
I also made a Reuben(ish) panini on a Flatoush "wrap." I used about 0.3 lbs of corned beef slided thin and folded. I used slices of swiss which were pretty thick (and I do not think low fat, but I counted accordingly) and LF thousand island dressing. I used the panini press on medium-low for a while, but I think too long since the cheese kind of melted everywhere. Still, it was very, very good. It held together nicely and the flat-out bread was just thick enough. I also prepped another one and wrapped it tight in aluminum foil and froze it. I can easily just throw that on a (very low to defrost) panini press in the future for dinner.
Points plus for the zucchini
1/2 cup white whole wheat flour...6
Egg beater plus others...1
Points plus for Reuben(ish) sandwich
Bread...[low] 3
Lite 1K Dressing...1.5
1/3 lbs Corned Beef...5
2x Swiss Cheese....4.5
14 Points Plus
The sandwich came out pretty high, but I guess the whole meal at 21 isn't too bd
Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3135, 2013-02-06_203847