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Cauliflower Fritters
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Imade cauliflower fritters kinda based on last time[@rev] except that I made a lot of changes. They were roughly as followed:
Added 1/2 of an onion, lightly sauted
used 1/2 cups 4-cheese blend instead of feta
added paprika, garlic powder, minced onion, lots of rosemary, and probably some others
steamed instead of boiled cauliflower
egg beaters
again, skipped the lemon, pomegranate and whatever else i did last time
baked it on silpats instead of frying it
They were pretty good. A bit chewy and probably could have cooked a bit longer but they still had a lot of flavor. I like to have different ways to cook cauliflower so I am happy with this.
Original WP Post ID: 6815
Original WP Pub Date: 2013-10-23_102446