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Rueben Springrolls and Rutabaga Chips
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After the failure of Reuben Crepes/Garden Rolls a few weeks ago[@rev], I decided to try again. I used the same basic fillers except I also toasted and sliced rye bread (see the photos below). The other fillings were 1/2 lean corned beef, 3 slices of light swiss, fat free thousand island, and sauerkraut. I further cooked the sauerkraut in a pan to get rid or more moisture. I filled them into 22cm rice paper wrappers (except the last one which was 33cm). I experimented a bit with different ways to rill them including
Anyway, I made 8 regular ones and one larger one. I put them on a pammed baking sheet, pammed them all, and baked them for 10 minutes at 350, flipped, and 10 more minutes. While it was not as catastrophic as last time, they still stuck. I didn't have this problem when I did it with eggs (see 2014-02-27[@rev]) using non-stick aluminum foil so I will go back to that. Also some cheese spilled out but that may have only been in the ones that tore a bit.
My goal in cooking them is to crisp the wrappers, melt the cheese, and let the flavors meld. I think that I do not need 20 minutes at 350 and insteadwould do better with less at a higher temp. (I did 15@425 last time). Also, I do not think there was much benefit to flipping them but I'll decide later if I want to do that.
They were really good though! Even the ones that tore still had the classic Reuben dichotomy of flavors where you a bunch of unique flavors. And they were pretty easy to make!
I also made rutabaga chips like last time.[@rev] I did 1/8" slices and roasted them at 425 for 15 minutes, flipped them, and did another 10. Some burned so I think next time, I will go a bit lower for longer. Also, letting them cool helped them crisp more.
Also, a note on names. I have decided to call_baked_ rice paper rolls "spring rolls" and if they are fresh, then "garden rolls" or "fresh rolls"
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Original WP Post ID: 7598
Original WP Pub Date: 2014-03-11_100150