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Bulgogi with Pickled Red Onions and Zucchini Noodles with Thai Peanut Sauce


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Meredith and I made Bulgogiwith pickled red onions andzucchini noodles with thai peanut sauce.

The bulgogiand the onions were from the prior recipe[@rev](2013-11-18). We use about 1.4 lbs of skirtsteak instead of the 1 lbs of flank since it was a lot cheaper and looked good. I trimmed the fat (leaving about 1.25 lbs). We 1.5x the recipe to have extra sauce to really coat. We let it marinate overnight. To cook it, we broiled it for about 3 minutes, attempted to flip the pieces and then did another 4-5 minutes. It was nicely cooked. Not too chewy and not overdone.

Despite noting last time that the red onions were too salty, this time we used the same amount of salt but actually used the exact one she recommends. The onions, which pickled overnight, were really good. Lots of flavor and a little kick.

Finally, we again madezucchini noodles with a thai peanut sauce[@rev]. In addition to the noodles, we added some sliced cucumbers. We also topped them with some chopped peanuts, some garlic scapes, scallions, and cilantro. They were very good!

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7927, 2014-07-15_203529