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Home > posts > 2015 > 02 > 20150224_221019_lebanese-moussaka-with-cauliflower-ricecouscous.html
Lebanese Moussaka with Cauliflower Rice/Couscous
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We made Lebanese Style Moussaka. A friend made this for us before so we used the recipe she used (linked below). We followed it pretty closely. The biggest changes were:
As I said in the changes, I (as usually) adjusted the seasonings for taste. I also ended up simmering it for longer. Most of the time, I did it covered as per the recipe but spent some time uncovered to reduce the liquid.
We also served it with roasted cauliflower rice (now on its own page)[@rev] with parmesan cheese and topped with low-fat feta.
Meredith also made a dip with preserved lemons and sugar in fat free greek yogurt. She kinda just threw it together. I do not think she followed a specific recipe. It tasted like some more complex lemon yogurt you could buy in the supermarket. We served all of this with leftover pita from the other day[@rev]. Photos below:
Lebanese Moussaka (from SparkPeople) Local Copy [@rev] password is the name of my dog, all lower case
Original WP Post ID: 9668
Original WP Pub Date: 2015-02-24_221019