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Koftas and Mushrooms


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This is largely a repeat of last Sunday[@rev] except we just made koftas and I used Soyaki1 for the teriyaki sauce.

Meredith made the regular kofta recipe[@rev]2 with turkey. She followed the (now updated) recipe pretty closely. I assembled them and figured out a trick to shaping them onto skewers: do it on a greased plate rather than trying to form it into a log in the air.

I made more harissa[@rev] (yes, I am obsessed) and also assembled the mushrooms[@rev]. I grilled everything as per the directions.

It all came out pretty good. The mushrooms were good (as usual) and we liked the koftas, though I think I liked the accidental mixing of koftas and keftas last week more.

I couldn't really tell the different teriyaki sauce but I also didn't really have enough of the Soyaki left either so it is really hard to tell.

  1. Trader Joes version of SoyVay 

  2. Updated 2017-03-27 to better reflect what we actually do.