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Taco Stew


You are viewing revision 0b081e8c from 2021-03-08 09:34:06 -0700. See current version and other versions

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I make this all the time. It is originally from this[@rev] but with my changes. Also see 2013-11-21[@rev] for the lentil version



If using beef, brown meat and onions in a large pot or dutch oven over medium high heat using oil as necessary.

If using lentils, simmer in 1.5 cups water (2:1 ratio) for about 15 minutes. Drain.

Sauté onion until translucent (with beef if using). Add garlic until fragrant.

Add remaining chopped veggies and sauté slightly to bring out flavor.

Dissolve taco seasoning and additional spices in some broth. Add broth+seasoning and all remaining ingredients to pot. Simmer uncovered until it's the desired consistency then cover cover. Stir occasionally and allow simmer for at least 15 to 20 minutes but longer is fine too.



Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6939, 2013-11-21_204114