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Asian Lettuce Wraps -- back to top


We made asian lettuce wraps, I think using the recipe from here(in the comments). Meredith made them so I really do not know all the details. The bigger deal was how we shredded the chicken. Meredith baked the large chicken breast (I have no idea how long and at what temp), but then to shred it, we used the Kitchen Aide mixer with the beater blade. I do not remember where I first read it but it works really well. The trick is to make sure you are using warm chicken so it shreds easier (but I think that is true regardless of how you shred it).

It made quite a bit. We had enough for 1.5 lunches the next day! We also ate leftover soup from the night before.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1889, 2012-04-02_114002

Flatbread Pizza -- back to top


We made pizza using sandwich flat-breads we found that were pretty low in calories. It was a while ago so I do not recall all of the details, but the biggest thing was that I roasted/sautéed a bunch of artichokes with onions and garlic. It was pretty good. My pizza, (above) was just goat cheese, the artichokes mix, soppressata and then some low fat cheese on top.

Meredith's (below) was a more standard pizza also with some of the artichoke mix.


Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1900, 2012-04-03_175208

Zucchini Fritters and Grilled Shrimp -- back to top


First, the Zucchini Fritters: We used the standard recipe, again adding some cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder and other spices. I even put a _tiny_bit of dill. I did the usual pressing of the zucchini to get it really dry. Even though I pammed the pan really well, I had to really scrape to get them up to flip. The trick it to use the sharpest and thinnest spatula to scrape them up and flip. Doing that worked! They were really good. Next time I make them, I want to try to remember to grate the onion with the zucchini so I do not have to finely chop it. I meant to do it this time, but forgot.

I made the shrimp by putting them on the griddler from frozen. For future reference, this is not a good way to do it. Even with a low enough heat, they overcook to get the inside fully done. They shrink into tiny, overcooked shrimp. And, since they do not lie perfectly flat when frozen, they cook unevenly. Finally, since you cannot skewer them, they are hard to flip and check on (they stuck to the lid). Oh well, It was worth a shot. I also brushed the shrimp with a mixture of lemon juice, lime juice, seasonings and water before and right after putting them on the grill.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1895, 2012-04-04_103204

Lentils -- back to top


I made just lentils similar to what I did with the lentil stuffed cabbage. Again, I do not recall all of the details, but it was lentils, a lot of really finely chopped mushrooms (important), carrots, celery, onions, a whole bunch of seasonings and finally broth. I think I had to use extra broth since there was so much more than just the lentils.

They had a subtle, but really, really good flavor. Really filling and low in points! Also, the date is not exact.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1906, 2012-04-05_091155

Quinoa Patties and Purple Potatas Bravas -- back to top


We made quinoa from the recipe below. Meredith put it together so she may have more comments, but we basically followed the base of the recipe though we needed a bit more egg. We also used gouda instead of the parmesan. We also used regular flour. Instead of frying it, we baked it like the zucchini fritters. We baked them at 440°F for 15 minutes, then flipped them and baked for another 10. I was prepared to have to really scrape but in the end, they came off nicely. They were really good. I really liked the thin parts that were extra crispy. The flavor was subtle which contrasted with the patatas bravas and its heat. It didn't help that my head/nose was stuffed so the flavors were even harder to discern.

The patatas bravas we more or less based on the standard except I also added some leftover canned sauce. I used a lot of cayenne and all of the called for paprika was hot paprika plus, I added some smoked hot. I also forgot the garlic and vinegar but I added a lot of onion and garlic powder. The sauce was good, but it was rather spicy. Again, being a bit stuffed up, made this strong flavor eclipse the quinoa.

Vegetable Parmesan Quinoa Patties (from Eat Well Meal Plans)

Local Copy -- password is the name of my dog, all lower case

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1903, 2012-04-14_091120

Eggplant sandwiches and bread with veggies -- back to top


This was so long ago and I am pretty sure Meredith made it so I do not recall what everything was. I'll let Meredith come back and describe it if she remembers

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1913, 2012-04-17_120744

Beef Barbacoa -- back to top


Meredith made this so she may have more comments, but we made 4 lbs of Beef Barbacoa. We had it for one dinner and 3 lunches. It was really good and nice having it for all of our meals later in the week. The broth was also really tasty. We also made something like the veggie tian before


Slow Cooker Barbacoa Beef (from Thekitchn)

Local Copy -- password is the name of my dog, all lower case

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1916, 2012-04-17_120819